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Our Net Worth (as of 3/31/2017)

We were surprised by how many personal finance bloggers publish their net worth numbers. J. Money over at RockstarFinance maintains the world’s first and only (to our knowledge) blogger directory and out of almost 1,000 bloggers, over 250 publish their net worth. So, should we publish ours? What good is all that stealth wealth business (see the excellent posts from Physician on FIRE and The Retirement Manifesto) if I post our net worth on the blog? Well, if someone were to find out who we actually are then with or without the precise number it would be pretty obvious that we’re well off. Whether our net worth is $500,000 or $5 million, what’s the difference, then? People get mugged on the street every day for much less. So we might as well show our numbers, right?

Soooooo, where in that $0.5-$5m interval is our net worth?  It turns out that our net worth is pretty much in the middle: $2,873,234. Here’s a more detailed breakdown:

The cat is out of the bag: Our net worth!

The net worth numbers in detail

In case we haven’t mentioned this often enough: We don’t like bonds too much. Equities aren’t cheap either but we just can’t get ourselves to invest more in bonds in the current environment: still very low bond yields, and the prospect of rising yields and more losses in the bond market. But, you may ask, don’t we want diversification? As we wrote before, diversification with bonds is overrated, you don’t want to own bonds when you still have a mortgage and the current equity volatility is so low that we don’t even notice the high equity weight. When was the last time the S&P500 dropped by more than 2%? September 9, 2016!

Where do we go from here?

It’s pretty obvious that we will not be able to retire right now right here in our current city. We have over half a million dollars sitting around in (dead) home equity, though still have a huge mortgage payment every month. But the income we could generate from our investments outside of the retirement accounts would not suffice to finance the mortgage payment and the high living expenses in this mega-metro area.

So, together with some modest capital returns, some more savings and especially the annual bonus to be paid out in early 2018 we hope to grow our net worth to about $3.1m by 3/31/2018. We’ll then sell the condo, move to a cheaper locale, cash out the deferred compensation plan and plan for the following split in our assets (rough estimates, rounded):

Our plan for the next year: Grow our net worth to $3.1m.
As of 4/11/2017, we made the top 10 list of recently posted papers!


Wow, I can’t believe I just spilled the beans on our finances! It’s a bell we can’t unring now. I could have done the click bait thing where I dangle “Our net worth is …” in front of you and then after the WordPress “Read More Tag” just write:

“… easier to calculate than our savings rate

or  “… none of your business.”

or  “… almost sufficient to retire early.”

or  “… the result of careful planning and wise investment decisions.”

But what the heck. If 250 other bloggers can post their net worth, so can we. As we pointed out in our post a few weeks ago, our blogging community seems to be a pretty nice crowd. We’ll keep updating these numbers quarterly from now on, so stay tuned!

We hope you enjoyed today’s post! Have you published your net worth numbers already? Do you think it’s a good idea to share the exact numbers? Please share your comments below!

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